Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

Web Development

React JS allows pages to be easily split into smaller components which our developers can use in different parts of the website. Breaking down an application into individual modules will be good from the development perspective.

Our developers focus on designing better architecture that will be highly tolerant to accept the changes in business requirements as well as allow our developers to collaborate. This results in less development time. Unlike Angular JS, React JS implements one-way binding hence the flow of data can be redirected only in a single direction which makes it clear when and where data was changed.

Native App Development using ReactJS

Our developers use the React-Native framework to develop native apps. React has a highly functional approach to constructing a user interface in which the application UI is expressed in the form of a function of the current application state. The application built using React Native can access features like user location, and phone camera for a smooth user experience.

React Updation & Upgrade Services

We have largely excelled in delivering up-gradation and update services upon the React.

Our front-end experts are industry jewels who have extensively taken up the migrations pursuits as well in this regard to emerging as the most celebrated firm in availing all-inclusive services.

React Maintenance and Support

After the development and delivery of a successful website we also excel at proper support and maintenance of the web application. This includes updating existing websites, constant technical support, and incorporation of the latest trends for improving the user experience.

Our support and maintenance service provides timely support and value-driven maintenance services irrespective of the complexity of the issue to help the client achieve business goals.

Application Testing

It all depends on the context of your project and what you want to achieve from the tool. We use Enzyme a JavaScript testing tool to test React component's output. The enzyme, when combined with Mocha, is the best combination to test web applications written in ReactJS.